Monday, March 31, 2008

Pouty patootie

Being the youngest, she can pick up bad habits quick. She had quite the back talk and attitude, so I had her stand in the corner. As you see it did not enhance her disposition. I remember spending alot of my younger days standing in the corner!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The guests have a good time

Don't ya love uncle Steve's grin. Nice HSM head band Cole. The parents. Aunt Twyla made each girl a cute Chinese purse. Asia's had roses in the brocade for her middle name Rose.

Those swingin' uncles

Aren't the girls so lucky to get so much attention from these big strappin' guys.

Nei Nei goes for Miss Kitty

Jade is in awe how Nei Nie knew exactly what to get her. But, she is such a grateful child, she was exited to get the hangers! I wish she would never lose this.

Chinese Chicken Fighter

For those of you who know my annual letter, here is the visual. Asia being the youngest of 4 is not afraid of much! Not even big uncles, especially the ones that taught her how to chinese ckn fight!

Family Party

Day 4 of Birthday parties. I only do big parties until they are 8, unless I really have alot of energy. So, Drew's counted as the Family party. His presents at age 12 were money..I didn't take a picture of that. We went to his choice of restaurant for Lunch, On the Border. Aunt Sharon joined us alone as her gang was all in ABQ. I wish I had the camera when they came to sing, Drew was sooo embarrased and Jade just beamed!
Then We had Nay Nay, Gpa Uncles Doug, Nate, Steve, Aunt Twyla and cousin Sky joined us this evening for snacks and cake.

Cake Presents and Painting

Jade said her friends Sydney and Paige don't like cake. So I made Kelly's brownies with the ghiradelli carmel chocolates in the middle and frosted it. If you wonder why Jade is dressed that way, she believes that you must be properly attired for her party with all the right accessories.

Pottery Painting 7th Birthday Party-say that fast 5 times

I kept going back and forth between cleaning my house or spending the I thought we would try this. Each child picked their piece of pottery, received instruction. It was the quietest party I have ever been at. Not a word as they all concentrated...even Drew!

Tiny Dancer

CCAI brought in this famous dancer from Shanghai to teach dance for 6 months. I can't remember her name, but she speaks Chinese to them and the 3 of them do it. Thanks Tiff for the post title name.

Close Shave

This story begins with a friend Alice who took the girls and I out for dim sum last Saturday. It is a Chinese/Alice custom to always bring gifts for everybody. In our generous gift bag was 3 disposable razers. To be funny, I put the razers in the boys' easter baskets the next morning. Jade saw the razers and said, why do they have those? They don't have any fur!
But, the story didn't end then. I noticed on Monday that Drew had a big swollen upper lip with a cut in it. I asked him, how did that happen? "Oh, Cole punched me" I rolled my eyes, got forward to Tuesday night when the whole gang was up in my office. I looked at Drew's face, and then I knew! So, I asked Cole if he had punched Drew. Cole looked suprised..! OOOOOhhh Drew, let me see that razer!! sure the other kids held him to pose for his blog mug shots! He is trying to cover it up with his tongue!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Finally Spring and BFF

Since I was going to the Basketball game I thought I would dust off my telephoto lens. I had never used it with my digital before. Jade thinks I need to be her BFF (best friend forever) But here is Asia's BFF.

100 days of school

Ok, we did this a month ago...but before they eat all the glued swedish fish I took a picture. Yes the missing fish were eaten. This was the 100 things displayed. Drew helped Jade by drawing Sweden.


They won 26-20. Cole 5 points 4 assists.

Zoo day

Last day of Spring break. The boys bail and go to Tom and Joe's.

We got to the zoo at opened at 10. I am never early, but today we were.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Dinner

Megan, Mom and Girls
Bunny Bread

The big hit was the pooping piggy