Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A pose at xmas just like her brother's

Here is my aunt and uncle's great picture of their 40th anniversary in Cabo. My mom's brother.

OK, here is the Denver version...we were cracking up to actually get a picture of my dad hugging my mom! What an accomplishment!

On my parent's holiday card it said it was an old man and his wife of 45 years, so here is my picture of that! And hey he is hugging her!

Christmas dinner was brined Turkey, riced potatoes, corn, whiskey glazed carrots, stuffing, salad and gravy.


Unknown said...

Wonders never cease! :)

Missed seeing you all on Christmas day!

Stacie said...

Wow, so I kinda know Forry and Karen....when we used to go to CA every summer, we stayed with the Bakkers where Forry and Karen and their kids went to mtg.