Monday, October 20, 2008

Lunch at the Keller's

These stools were going to be the death of me or one of my kids! They were obsessed with them. Everytime I wasn't looking, they were riding them up and down!

We can't believe that it has been 3 years since Les and Jeri moved to Windsor. They made us a huge Steak house type meal, Les doing the steaks and mushrooms. Jeri made home made french bread, homemade mac and cheese, salmon, shrimp, 2 pumpkin pies and salad. Do you know what Jade ate....she had half a steak, shrimp, salmon, bread and salad. After her pie, she had mac and cheese, salmon, then shrimp, some more mac and cheese, some salmon and finishing with some shrimp! And the high light was the bowl of Jelly Bellies!

1 comment:

Laura Jelinek said...

I love your blog! I found it thru Mindy Langs. How are you guys doing. SO fun to see pix!