Sunday, April 26, 2009

Coon on Deck

Lilo and Stitch are usually howling to get out, they were tentative as I opened the back door. Lilo stopped on the door mat and was sniffing around and I had to shove Stitch out. The pillows from the couch were on the ground and I didn't think that it was left that way last night! After I went to sit down I noticed Lilo acting wierd on top of the deck, I went to look out and this is what I found! It looks like he might be moving in?! And I thought Lilo and Stitch caused havoc in my life!


Marilyn said...

Interesting Problem. What do ya do about that one? Good Luck

dogtiredstudent said...

Hmmm...he looks nice enough BUT they are kinda scarey when they dont get their way now aren't they.
My 8 pound dog chased a possum off my porch one night...the possum was twice as big as Buttercup is!!!! YIKES!!!!